Saturday, July 26, 2008

This is a MAJOR blog update, since I was having computer issues. I just downloaded 1300 pictures and so this is in no order whatsoever, but it is an update!!!! :)

Dax in a children's parade

Dax, Camden, Kolton, Aubree, and Brighton proudly showing off their fish from the fish rodeo
Watching fireworks on the 24th

Daxtyn and Bryan fishing

Daxtyn helping irrigate

Camden and Dax enjoying an ice cream sandwich and swimming

Me with my two best friends, Michelle Cardon, (Martin) and Michele Christensen (Peterson)

Daxtyn at swimming lessons getting ready to jump off the diving board

Dax and Aspen with their new bunny, Roxy

Cute kids on the 4th!!

Aspen and Easton waiting for fireworks on the 4th
Camping in our backyard!!

It's a Carnival around this house!

We Had Aspen's Birthday and it was a carnival!!! We had about 10 booths with activities and the kids had to earn tickets by doing tricks to "Pay" to do the activity. There was tie-dying shirts, a kissing booth, where the kids had to guess how many kisses were in a jar. There was a duck pond, a ring toss, and a clothespin drop! There was even a pony, a real one, for the kids to ride. And my favorite, a pie throwing booth, Bryan was the lucky one!! (What a good sport!!)
We had so much fun!!

A clown even made an apperance!

Tori getting Bryan with PIE!

Aubree with a balloon hat, made by the clown

Daxtyn riding the pony, my cousin Travis was so nice to come help!!

Grandpa Pyne helping Aspen buy prizes with her tickets

Michelle Martin doing a cartwheel to earn tickets to "buy" her dinner
Even Grandpa Joel participated in the festivities!

Kolton at the ring toss winning his drink!

Aunt Heather helping with the tie-dying shirts.
(sorry your eyes were closed)